Septic System Mapping
Septic System Mapping
Understanding the layout of the septic system on your property is vital when making upgrades or changes. Whether you’re adding bedrooms or bathrooms to the home and need to know if your septic system can handle the additional usage or you’re making aesthetic changes to the property such as installing a swimming pool, planting trees, putting up a shed or performing any change that could affect the functionality of the system or cause damage, we can help.
With our Septic Mapping Service, our certified field inspectors have years of experience performing septic inspections and helping homeowners understand their septic systems. With our Septic Mapping Service, our inspector will locate and open components of the septic system, determine the layout, and visually mark the components on site.
A written report will be issued the following business day providing information about the system including tank size, a field map and measurements of the system components.
Find out more about our Septic Mapping service.
Learn More About Our Septic Services

Open-Pit Septic Inspection
Our PSMA certified inspectors use the most advanced equipment and inspection methods available to provide you with fast, accurate and unbiased results.
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Our Inspectors
All of our inspectors are required to be certified through the Pennsylvania Septage Management Association (PSMA) and we have Registered Environmental Health Specialists on staff.
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Septic Inspections for Realtors and Attorneys
ATS provides septic inspections for the real estate industry. Find out what realtors and attorneys should know about septic systems.
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Septic Inspections for Homebuyers
Buying a home with a septic system? We only perform septic inspections and provide unbiased reports. We do not perform repairs, treatments or installations.
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Septic Inspections FAQs
How long does an inspection take? Are there standards for septic inspectors? You will find the answers to all your septic inspection concerns here.
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